Purpose and Vision

Our goal is to give participants a wilderness experience that engenders and builds:

  1. a knowledge of Jesus that moves beyond the status-quo of religion and into biblical truth and spirituality;
  2. a love for creation with an awareness that is cognizant of environmental concerns both for the present and the future;
  3. an understanding of self and a self-awareness which leads to high self-esteem rooted in biblical principles; and
  4. a set of skills and principles that foster growth and responsibility, such as : leadership, communication, self-sufficiency, maturity, and integrity.

Environmental: The earth is integral to our lives. It is the source for everything. It is the medium through which we enjoy ourselves, and is the source of all that we own. Not only should we be cognizant of our actions that affect creation, but we should be actively pursuing alternatives to the current and accepted practices that are deteriorating the earth at a rapid pace. Because Frontier Mtn spends so much time in nature, we believe in giving back to it, doing our best to make sure our impact is as small as possible, keeping it as pristine as we found it, while also doing our part to help restore it’s brokenness.

Discipleship with and Edge: Frontier Mtn began as an idea and a dream rooted in a common passion and faith. For Jason and Joe, it is something that was laid on their hearts as a way to help people experience Christ in way that would change their perspectives. It is the idea that Christ should increase, and that we should decrease (John 3:30). Our lives become His who bought us, and less our own. It is about moving from an infancy in both thought and faith and into a mature reality wherein a believer can comfortably say with Job “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” 

Missions Without an Agenda: At Frontier Mtn, we also believe in giving back and supporting people without an agenda. This means we give and serve and help our community without expecting a return. Serving in order to get a reward isn’t true service, so we will always give back to our community and its peoples without looking for rewards or praise.